Tuesday 9 June 2009

up down up down!!!!

Same old story reallyy. although this has a bit more of a fairytale ending LOL - Basically had been doing pretty shit my last two quick sessions which one table was playing 25nl table. was probably down $30 ish. basically card dead. and was trying to make moves which i cant really afford to make. Anyways my mate also been been on a bit of a cooler and asked if i want 50% action on him but in a bigger tourney. I did question it because he was on abit of tilt himself but i sent him $40 dollars and persuaded him to play 3 $24+2 sit and goes. He did and came a good 2nd in one. which gave us a win of $270 and net profit of $192. So has increased my bankroll by quite a bit.

UPDATE: had to save it, so am writing a day later. Today was another success Dan text me to say he was playing $22 PLO tourney and did i want 50%. I remeber he has had a few near misses with the PLO toruneys so said yeah. Text me a couple of hours later to tell me he had credited my account $63. He had come 4th. Not a bad bit of business on my part i feel :)

Went to another funeral yesterday afternoon (3rd in 7 months). it was dans auntie. went was well as funerals can go.

Might start playing sum $5 45 man sitngoes now. Might take me a couple of goes to get into it. Going thru a bit of a bad patch in the cash games at the mo

Bankroll: $403
My highest bankroll to date :)

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